Friday, May 2, 2008

Sorry !

I am sorry, my dear friends, but I will be away from my computer for the next two weeks. We are on vacation and having house guests. When I come back I think I will have a story to tell!

I pray that every one whose eyes fall upon this note will be specially blessed !
May the duties of your day bring you joy and may the Lord's peace fill your heart as you walk in His love!

Aren't you glad that God doesn't go on vacation ? I am soo thankful that He is the "I AM" - the ever present God.
I am also thankful that He is never silent, His words continually go out seeking the heart that is listening.

"The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times. " Psalm 12:6


Demara said...

Have a great vacation Julie!
Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Lovella ♥ said...

OH Julie, have a wonderful time with your house guests and your vacation.
I took the liberty of checking the weather and it looks like the sun will be blessing you as well.

Judy said...

Wishing you a wonderful vacation...and we will all be waiting for your nuggets of wisdom when you return!

Lavinia said...

Julie, I cherish your posts...and will miss them for the next two weeks...but I know you'll have a wonderful time with your visitors and so enjoy your break, and God bless you!

p.s. thanks for the special warmed my are a darling!

Truth said...

Have a blessed time away!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'll miss you dearly, but vacations and house guests are so wonderful...and so important!

Thank you for your prayer of blessing. It is much needed and much appreciated. How reassuring to know that God is with us continually.

Enjoy your non-computing time! ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay...okay... enough of the fun and visiting... get back to the posting!! :) I'll let you guess who this is... hint... usually a non commentor.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, I just wandered over here, and you aren't home. How lovely that you are praying for your readers.

And Amen to your statement that God never goes on vacation.