Saturday, January 24, 2009

"For the Tough Times" - book review

An accomplished chef in a fancy restaurant serves up a plate that satisfies through artistry what it lacks in quantity.
Such is the offering of the little book “For the Tough Times” – in fact, the ‘size’ of the offering enhances Lucado’s artistic gift in communicating his message.

Just as the chef’s skilful arrangement on the plate draws you to view with awe something that unadorned would be ordinary fare, so also Lucado draws you away from a mundane human perspective into an awed position before God.
Earthly disappointments, sorrow, hardship, mire our feet into the clay but Lucado draws our eyes up to the over riding glory truth “The Lord is in His Holy Temple”.
We are comforted, yet also challenged! Do you know the price of unforgiveness?
We are encouraged by God’s love, yet taught about God’s discipline.
Marked out clearly is the difference between justice and revenge as well as Satan’s role in our lives.
The book ends with a prayer ..reminding us of what God has done in the past …and the cry “Do it again, Lord ! Do it again!”

I would recommend this book as a great gift book for anyone going through a difficult or sorrowful time. Its brevity allows even a burdened mind to take hold of its ‘food for thought’ message and be encouraged to stand strong in their faith in God.

I just recently signed up to be a book reviewer for Thomas Nelson publishers. So I will be periodically posting a review (positive or negative) of one of their books. The first book I received to review is this one by Max Lucado. Watch for more to come !!


Lovella ♥ said...

Julie. .. you are the perfect person to be a book reviewer. . I endorse you in this new role. . .(smile)
I liked your illustration of the chef in the fancy restaraunt. . it is such a great visual for me.

I'll take a peek at this book next time I'm at the Christian Book store.

Judy said...

Julie as a book reviewer...a perfect match! How nice to have someone I 'know' and trust recommend a book (or not).

Max Lucado writes such words of wisdom.

Trish said...

Grin...can't say anything more than what has been are the 'expert' in dissimulation of material...and that would be a book review too. I respect that opinion of yours for everything why not?! I'll have to check out the book.

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

How exciting - a book reviewer! Wow.

I have not read much Max Lucado, so I appreciate your review of this book and will take a look at it. Thank you!