Look at the sky!
“The heavens declare the glory of God!” (Ps.19:1)

Does it not look like God is pouring out His glory ?
When God revealed his attributes in His creation,(Rom. 1:20) He created the heavens to be a display of His glory!
The glory of God is beyond our earthiness.. it is heavenly – out of our reach!
“You who set Your glory above the heavens!” (Ps. 8:1)
We can look, but not touch, and even in looking we only catch a glimpse of the whole.
Moses asked to see the glory of God..
God replied that no man could see Him and live…but He would put Moses in the cleft of a rock and cover him with His hand while His glory passed by and then He would allow Moses to catch a glimpse of His back.
I have always loved the sky and though I have observed it for more than fifty years I am still amazed by the infinite variations of cloud and colour painted in 3D wonder against the expanse of eternal space.
So also God's glory cannot be defined in human words....nor limited by our understanding.
The heavens provide us with life-giving light – the sun by day and the moon and stars by night.
Did you know it is the glory of God that will light the New Jerusalem – the city where we will spend eternity? John saw it…..”And the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it and the Lamb is its light!
(Rev. 21:23)
The Lamb is its light, because He is the “King of Glory!” (Ps. 24:8)
God is a God of love and mercy but He is also a God of wrath against sin and evil. This too is revealed in the heavens!
A blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds on a warm summer day draws people from their homes to enjoy the outdoors, but the strongest hearts fear when the dark storm clouds threaten to unleash their power.
The glory of God filled men’s hearts with fear when He appeared to them on Mt. Sinai, “In the morning there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of trumpet was very loud , so that all the people ..trembled!” (Ex.19:16) and again….”The sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel.” (Ex. 24:17)
Yet David was drawn to the glory of God and declared, “One thing I have desired of the Lord , that will I seek….to behold the beauty of the Lord…” (Psalm 27:4) – “so I have looked for You in the sanctuary to see Your power and Your glory!” (Ps.63:2)
Man was given dominion over the earth to rule it…. but he cannot rule the heavens. It is always makes me smile that no matter how much man prides himself on being able to predict the weather….he continually fails the test of consistent accuracy!
God will not share his glory with anyone!! “I am the Lord, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another!” (Is. 42:8)
We respond with an amen when we recite the Lord’s prayer…..”For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever!”
As much as the beauty of the heavens lifts our spirits and fills us with awe it is but a small foretaste of what seeing God’s glory will be like!!
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy!!!” (Jude 24)
Until we step out of the physical restrictions of this life into the next, we can only dream of seeing the beauty, and power and brilliance of God’s glory -- and be reminded every time we see the wonder of God's glory displayed in the heavens!
Beautiful picture of the sky. I love looking at the sky too. Our cousin genes are strong in this area. Every time I see a beautiful sky I too think of God's glory. My heart can't help but worship Him when I see the heavens display such amazing sights.
I'm glad that Vic stopped for you. That one was worth stopping for.
I too love the adverse selection of cloud. Flying amongst the clouds is never the same. Each experience is different. That is one great power-point picture and if I ever do power point in church again I will ask you for it.
I am so thrilled Julie that you were able to capture such a beautiful representation of our Father God's glory, how splendid, and it will be so shocking to see the lamb of God illuminating our eternity where there is no sun or moon, won't it?!?!
Until we step out of the physical restrictions of this life into the next, we can only dream of seeing the beauty, and power and brilliance of God’s glory -- and be reminded every time we see the wonder of God's glory displayed in the heavens!
That's a great photo, Julie!
I do not use the word "awe" very often as it represents to me, the very feelings I have for God. This picture is awe inspiring and instantly grabs my attention and turns it to the mightiness of God and all the beauty and wonder he represents.
It is when I am in the car that I am often wishing I had grabbed my camera so I could capture moments of beauty in the sky.
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