Sunday, September 15, 2024

Little Things

 . I want to express this thought on your heart today.  YOU are important to someone simply because you are alive!!!  Just by being who you are, you make a difference in someone's life - whether you are aware of it or not !!  EVERY .... SINGLE....ONE...OF... YOU !  And of course, it goes without saying that you are important to God - If you weren't He would not have 'created you' !!  


Little things like....
The smile of a baby...
A young man holding the door for you...
A phone call, "how are you?"
A text from a grandchild...
A hug...
A sweet taste in your mouth,  the fragrance of a candle...
Little things  can make your day...
But Little things can also ruin your day...
An angry word...
Forgotten vanilla in a white cake...
A single misstep...
A dropped china cup..
Someone pulling into the parking stall you were waiting for...
And for those of us that are old enough....- Remember how embarrassing it was to discover you had a run in your stocking...or  the back seam was not perfectly straight??
We laugh today realizing it was a very little thing that should never have been allowed to be as important as we made it!!
But it is still true that often it is the little things that make or break our day! 

A Tiny Powerful Word
There is a little tiny two letter word that is perhaps a word we should be careful to pay  more attention to.

That little word is "IF".  Have you ever counted how many times you use it in a day? Or hear it? Google couldn't find anyone who had counted...BUT someone did count how many times it is used in the Bible.
1,637 times - 993 in  the OT  and 602 In the NT.
Just as a comparison the word Faith is used 336 in KJV bible - a hundred or so more times in various other translations, so what is so important about this little word ?
It is interesting to note that 'if' appears as the middle 2 letters of the word 'life'. Could it be that important as to influence our very life? Both now and for eternity?
Let's consider....

The dictionary defines the word 'if' this way...
" introducing a conditional clause or supposition that will happen should a certain event occur"

How many of you appreciate road signs when you are travelling , especially in an unfamiliar city?
That is what this little word IF has the authority and power to do - point  to instruction and direction.
Look at Deuteronomy 11:26...Here the Lord is using this little word to show His people the way to live  under blessing....or the way to live under a curse!

I John 1:6-10 - I John 2:1
I want to focus on this  passage  where the  word 'if' appears 6 times.

The first 'if' points to a 'no exit'. IF our walk does not match our talk, then we are liars living in darkness...whoa...let's not go down that street!!
But immediately following there stands another 'IF' ,this one pointing in another direction. IF we walk in the light as He is in the light it will take us down a good path - one where we have fellowship one with another and Christ' s blood cleanses us from all sin.
Good path !!  

The next  IF is pointing to another ' no-exit - if we deny that we have sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
BUT....Have you noticed how this little word always points one way - then turns to point out another way? Showing us 2 directions we can go in?
Look at the next IF ...IF we confess our sins- own them, acknowledge them, repent., then. He is  faithful and just to forgive us AND ti cleanse us from all sin.  Our confession encounters God's just response. God is.not only willing and faithful to forgive but He forgives because He is JUST- He has bound Himself to have to forgive us because not to do so would prove His unfaithfulness.
Note that not only does He promise to forgive but also to cleanse. Do you appreciate the difference?

We attended a family picnic last weekend. It had rained  before we got there. My great-niece,  who is 3,  could not resist playing in the mud the rain had created and got dirty - mud in her hair, on her clothes.
Her mother could have simply forgiven her and the mud would have dried. But no...when we got there the mother was 'cleansing' her daughter. She came back outside with freshly washed hair and clean clothes.
Aren't you thankful Christ doesn't just leave the dried sin on our hearts, but He 'cleanses' us ?

The next  "IF" is in verse 10 where again the road-sign points to where not to go....not to lie about our sin. - unconfessed  sin clings to us and isn't pretty! 
BUT if we look for  the next IF we find it in the first verse of chapter 2 where it points to the promise that Jesus is on our side and He brings us before the Father advocating on our behalf!! What a friend we have in Jesus!!! attention to that little word  IF when you come across it in your Bible reading. Its power and authority can be trusted to keep us safe along our life's-journey. And bring us to our final destination! 

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