For God so loved ..... LOVE is the reason for the season. Because God so loved you and me He sent His only begotton Son that we might have eternal life!
I am reminded of the year my granddaughter was a four years old in pre-school. In her class was a little girl who could only be described as a bully. My granddaughter had determined that she must have a broken spirit and needed a friend. She would be that friend.
She tried and tried ..... sharing her lunch treats, inviting her to play with her, drawing her special pictures. My granddaughter even asked her Mom to take her shopping so she could buy her a very special gift that would certainly convince this girl of her love.
Nothing ever changed. While my granddaughter readily acknowledged that this little girl "was mean", she never referred to her meaness in a personal way - always it was with sadness that this girl did not know how to be nice.
So many times my little granddaughter asked me to pray for this girl, that her spirit would not be broken any more.
I wondered at the little girl that she could for a whole school year resist such persistent love and sincere offer of friendship.
While my heart ached to see my granddaughter's love so rejected, I thought of how it is a picture of us and God. We were hardly 'lovely' that God should have reason to love us ! It was "while we were yet sinners that Christ died for us !" Rom 5:8
And yet. even though we rejected His sacrifice, resisted His offering of Love and turned away from His incredible gift ... He loved us still.
Patiently He wooed us until we turned and recognizing His love let it melt our hard hearts.
Then we could say with the apostle John....
"We love him, because he first loved us." 1Jn 4:19
"Lord, when we see how great your love for us is , our hearts are filled with thanksgiving. As we celebrate this Christmas season with family and friends, may we remember that it is because of Your self-less gift that we are so blessed. May hope, peace, joy and love reign in our hearts and homes. Amen"