It is Christmas 2022, another year gone by - a new one waiting . A time to reflect on what was important in 2022 and pray for God's blessing to rest on the new year. .
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Friday, September 30, 2022
The Chest
This morning in my quiet time, my eyes fell on a verse from Deuteronomy that jumped out at me and I knew the Lord wanted to tell me something about it.
Immediately, the memory of a childhood experience flashed into my mind.
This experience happened when I was, between one and two years old,. I lived with my parents on a small hobby farm. Every morning my Mom would have to go outside to do the chores, meaning she had to leave me in the house alone. Wanting to ensure I would be safe and out of trouble, every morning before she went outside she would lift me onto a rounded top wooden chest that stood under the kitchen window. Sitting on this chest I could watch her walk away and then wait to see her coming back to the house.
When my mother came home she would lift me off the chest and our day would continue. Then one day that all changed.
That morning my mother , as usual, lifted me onto the chest and I watched out the window. When she came back inside I lifted my arms anticipating that she would, as always, lift me off the chest. But she didn't. Instead she turned my on my stomach over the rounded chest lid and stepped away, telling me to slide off.
I was confused and started to cry, looking at my mom, expecting her to recognize my fear and lift me off the chest.. But she didn't! Terror filled my heart as only a child can feel terror and I continued to cry. Looking into my Mom's face, I saw she was not concerned at all.. She just stood there without moving, a smirk on her face. watching me. I can see her face as clearly today as I did those many many years ago. I could not understand why she would not help me ! I had never considered that there would be a time I needed help and my mother would refuse to help me.
I clung desperately to the top of the chest, resisting the pull of gravity threatening my tenuous hold, but my little hands were getting tired and I knew I could not hold on for much longer.
Finally, the inevitable happened ! I felt my hands slipping and I knew something terrible was about to happen! But then ....
My hands gave way... I slipped .... and to my shock my feet hit the floor. The whole time my feet had been no more than three inches from the floor.
I was not an adventurous child and my mother wanted to teach me how easy it was for me to slide off the chest - that I no longer needed to be lifted off ! The memory stayed clear in my mind along with a feeling of confusion that my Mom had not been willing to help me when I was so desperately afraid.
As I relived this childhood experience, I saw a mind picture that showed me how Jesus would have responded had He been there. Even though my Mom was a loving Mom and did nothing wrong ... if Jesus had been there He would not have stood watching my terror with a smirk on His face knowing that I was going to be just fine and would learn something valuable from the experience.
No... He would have bent over the chest beside me, and with one arm over me whispered in my ear ... "It's okay, I'm here, let's just slide down together!"
Difficult or painful times come to all of us - it is part of life. We so often feel that inner terror as we desperately cling to our 'chest' - looking to whomever we trust to help us and see they are not willing or able to help. We are alone...and we know that we cannot hold on much longer. We can feel everything slipping away and our cries for help go unheard.God wants us to know that no matter how terrifying life circumstances may be, He will never stand by and just watch -- even though He knows He has it all in hand. He will always be close, sharing in our pain. And always, beneath us - no more than three inches - are the everlasting arms that will catch us and hold us close to His heart!
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
A Strange Plant with a Lesson
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Only Weeds
I remember a childhood experience that is vivid in my memory
My mother was a very practical woman, always working to make sure everything was in the perfect order a well maintained home and hobby farm should be.
I was much happier curled up with a book than I was doing household chores. Although I wanted to please my Mom, too often I ended up with another miserable failing mark against me.
I remember one summer day my Mom took me out to her large vegetable garden and showed me a long row of vegetable seedlings that stood maybe 3 inches tall in company with weeds just as tall fighting for space. My Mom told me to pull out all the weeds leaving the seedlings with room to thrive in the warming sun and rain.
I thought, "okay, I can do this. I will do such a good job, Mom will be impressed." And crouching down, I began to pull out all the weeds. It was a long row, but finally I reached the end of it and I stood up to look down a straight clean row of seedlings. It looked so good.. and I ran to call Mom happily expecting her praise.
She came to the garden and as I looked up into her face, I knew something was terribly wrong! Understandably, she was angry and I got the tongue lashing I deserved.
Yes, I had left a very neat garden row - but of weeds - all vegetable seedlings were gone.
As I visited that memory, I thought about the verse in Isaiah 64:6 that says that all our righteous acts are as filthy rags. No matter how hard we try to please God in the flesh, it will never be enough to win His approval. And yet, amazingly, He loved us while we were yet sinners and He died to save us.
We come to Him with nothing to show but a 'row of weeds'. Wonder of wonders, instead of the 'tongue lashing' we deserve, He reaches out to embrace us in His love and forgiveness and in exchange for our 'weeds' covers us with His righteousness.
How blessed we are to pause at this Easter season to remember His love and sacrifice that cost Him so much to gain everything for us!
He is risen, so we too can rise to new life and righteousness in Him !
Thursday, February 17, 2022
My New Book is out!
Saturday, January 1, 2022
God's Prescription for a New Year