Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Good and Evil 

The phrase "battle between good and evil" is one we have heard all our lives and it is so common we don't stop to think about it.  Is there really a battle between good and evil?  And who is fighting it?  God obviously would be fighting for the good, that leaves Satan to fight for evil, but can God ever be challenged enough to make it a battle?   

Actually, there is no battle between good and evil.  The battle is between choosing God or choosing against God.  Evil is the result and the consequences of choosing against God. 
We have this thread woven throughout scripture.  Let's take a look!  

Generational Consequences 
The 'battle' begins from the very first pages with Cain and Abel.  Cain chose against God and was banished from the very presence of God and separation from his family.  "Good" did not follow him and we know that the consequences of his actions were felt by his descendants. 

Then we have Isaac and Ishmael.  Isaac chose for God and was blessed and through him the godly  family line was continued. Ishmael chose against God and was sent into the wilderness where we know his generational line did not follow a godly one. 

Then we have Jacob and Esau.  Jacob chose God and was blessed along with his descendants after him.  Esau chose against God and he  lived a life away from God, incurring not only the disapproval of his family but of God who said He 'hated him'.  

National Consequences 
We have so many stories of kings who chose for or against God and their choices either brought peace and blessing to the nation or war and suffering. 
The example that readily comes to mind is the story of King Saul and King David.  Saul  choosing his own way instead of God's lived in mental torment and brought hardship and suffering not only to himself but to the nation.  David chose God and the nation under his rule was blessed and David's throne points to the throne of the coming King of Kings.  David's life still blesses 'God's people' through his beautiful Psalms. 

Family Consequences 
We have the story of Elimelech, who chose to flee to Moab, the country God told His people to avoid.  He lost his life there along with both of his sons and brought suffering to his wife.  The two daughters in law each made their choice.  Orpah chose against God and we never hear from her again.  Ruth chose for God and was blessed - she became the grandmother of King David and is mentioned in the lineage of Jesus. 
We also have the example of King David, when he chose against God to take Bathsheba and kill her husband.  The consequences were felt by his family and they suffered because of his sin. 

Personal Consequences 
Even  personal lives are shaped by our choice to either follow God or live in rebellion to him. We have the well known story of Abigail and Ahab.   Ahab was a wicked man who cared only for his own desires and reaped the consequences.  Abigail chose God and was blessed.  When her husband died she became King David's wife. 

We have Abraham and Lot  -Abraham chose God and was blessed in so many ways, not the least of which was having a son in his old age.   Lot while he did not out rightly reject God still made decisions that caused him to live with the consequences.  He selfishly chose the better land when given the choice by Abraham. He moved to Sodom and 'vexed his soul'  living in 'evil' cities.  He lost his daughters to Sodom men,  he was taken captive with all he had - had to be rescued by Abraham - but then he lost him home, his wife was turned into a pillar of salt and his daughters became pregnant by him. 

A Personal Example 
I worked for Eaton's for thirteen years.  It was a very good company to work for. The employees were valued and well treated.  The motto was "the customer is always right".  
Timothy Eaton who founded the department store was a strong Christian and he build his store on godly principles.  One thing he did was decree that tobacco would never be sold in his stores. He put it 'iron-clad' into the original bylaws of how the business would be run.  The business grew and prospered.  It was the only department store that operated consistently in the black.  I looked forward every year to getting the signed Christmas card from Timothy Eaton's daughter - the mother of the Eaton boys that inherited the store on their father's death. 
The business continued to thrive until the mother Eaton died, then the boys thought they could change things to suit their own ideas.  I came in one morning and to my surprise there was a new area set up with a variety of tobacco products.  I asked , "How is that possible?"  
Actually it wasn't possible.  Timothy Eaton's order was held up in court and in a few days the tobacco disappeared.  Other things began to change as well.  The 'customer was NOT always right', and the employees were no longer treated as well.   
And for the first time the department store began to slip into the red financially.  The Eaton boys tried to keep it going, making more and more changes but the farther they moved from their grandfather's godly ideals, the worse things got , until , as we remember, the stores had to close their doors.  
So sad that the Eaton's boys chose against God instead of following the example their grandfather and father set before them.  

Sometimes God's way looks difficult .... and very often our own way looks enticing, offering the very things we desire,  but God's goodness ALWAYS trumps the best we could choose or wish for ourselves.  We cannot lose when we choose God and His ways, just as we cannot win if we choose to go our own way.  There is NO GOOD outside of God's goodness, He created us and He knows exactly what we need.  To choose against Him and His will for us is to open the door to 'evil' because outside of God's goodness that is all there is.