As many of you know, camping is not my favorite thing to do. I just happen to love indoor plumbing and a proper kitchen which makes me look longingly at the Motor homes or RVs parked in other campsites.
Not this year!
I started reading one of new books before we left for our yearly camping trip and actually finished it as we drove into our campsite.
It changed my camping experience.
The book was called "Captured" - Carolyn Paine Miller's true story of her family's imprisonment by the Vietcong in the 70's. For eight months they lived in deplorable conditions -- constantly moving in remote areas having to set up their own camps.... mud, rain, lack of food, unsanitary conditions that caused illness, dysentery and body sores. There was no protection against bugs, fire ants - all kinds of flying and crawling critters. Carolyn and her husband's 5 year old daughter was captured with them and they did not know if their three older children away at school had escaped capture - or if they would ever see them again!
Closing the book after reading page after page of surviving under unbelievable living conditions, I looked at my campsite and decided that since I would have a dry, comfortable queen-sized air-bed to sleep on, good food, clean water, flush toilets a short walk away, and FREEDOM to enjoy the fellowship of my dear family with the beauty of God's nature around me, I was living in luxury!!!
There were no side-long glances this year at Motor homes this year!
It was all about perspective !
It was all about perspective !
My daughter called me after we arrived home and echoed my perspective. She said, "Mom, I realized that if we have a dry place to sleep, food to eat and the company of family and friends, the rest is just all fluff!"
The weather was gorgeous while we were there - the forest shade a refreshingly cool escape from the hot sun!
Below ,Vic helping my son-in-law untangling a fishing line! In the shade, of course!
Playing the forest -- part of camping! my granddaughters
On our last day, the morning revealed a few fluffy white clouds in the sky. We took no notice, enjoying our breakfast. We had just finished when there was a surprising little shower, seemingly coming from a still blue spotted sky.
Thinking we should probably pack up, we did so !
We had just put the last of our 'stuff' in the car when the skies flashed lightening, thunder rolled and the torrent began just as we drove off!
Our planned canoe ride on the lake had to be left undone on our to-do list... but we were happy with our 'best ever' camping trip !!!
Even though I appreciated the blessings of our camping trip, I was happy to be home again.
The scripture verses talking about contentment took on fresh meaning for me !
The scripture verses talking about contentment took on fresh meaning for me !
1Ti 6:8 "And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content."
Heb 13:5 "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." "
Hello Julie. Your camping photos reveal what a lovely time you had, and in such a beautiful place! I really like those colorful canoes and how they reflect in the water.
Hi Julie! The book sounds facinating, and a perfect choice for camping. Love all the fun you have captures too!
By the by...that is acutally a dameselfly. Dramelflies hold their wings parallel to their bodies at rest, while dragonflies hold their winds at right angles away from their bodies.
The same keys may be used in butterfly/moth designation. Butterflies hold their wings upright at rest, moths have their wings flat against their back at rest. I learned these little fun facts when I was an elementary school librarian helping kids do research. Otherwise I would have no idea!
Wordverification: joysibbe
Julie .. I loved this post. Life really in the western world is all about perspective. We simply cannot imagine what tortured people have endured.
I so enjoyed seeing your family . .what a treat.
Oh .. I surely did wonder if you were safe and sound during the storm. . .so glad you were.
What a fun camping trip's always good to be with family. I agree with your perspective on 'fluff'.
The book you talked about sounds very interesting.
What a timely perspective! Enjoyed your pictures of family, friends and nature. You're a good sport.
nice photos
nice scenery
nice story line
only one thing bugged me...
SIL (sister in law)
In the pictures that had an SIL in them,,,there was only a man.
:/ but good read despite the minor distraction :)
I agree. It's all in the eye of the beholder how one feels. I think if one learns THAT they'll have the best life ever!!
Oh Julie,
You painted the perfect picture camping trip....It's like the prelude to my up-coming trip in the end of August. Yes, we will be going up there to enjoy God's creation at best!
Memories: Bridge jumping, deer, alpine meadows, camping fires, quiet time, smoke filled clothes, real camp food....ah! yes!
So inspiring! So awesome.
Lovely pictures, Julie. How nice for your family to spend time together in such a beautiful place. I'm with you when it comes to tent camping - I've been there, done that and have thankfully moved on to our camper now -which I love. Perhaps next year will be different. :) Thank you for sharing your trip with us
Oh to be content! I really enjoyed the pictures and highlights from your holiday. That is one of our favorite holiday spots. We have tented there many times over the years. Thanks you for the lesson learnt from this camping trip...a good one for me. Kathy
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