We see it in so many places. It is reflected in the delicate beauty of a Mandevilla bloom and the gently falling snow flakes I'm watching outside my window.
I also see God's tender heart in the story of Jonah. While Jonah wished judgment on the people of Ninevah and destruction of their city, God's tenderness reached out in mercy to the little children and even the animals.
Perhaps you have seen the video of the little girl telling the story of Jonah, but if you haven't, the link is here .... http://vimeo.com/16404771 . She recites the narrative so well... and her childlike innocence catches the heart of the story. Being able to memorize it all is one thing , to tell it with such natural expression is another!
One of my favorite verses is in Luke 10:21 - the words of Jesus - "I praise You Father, Lord of heaven and earth that You have hidden these things from the wise and prodent and revealed them to babes. Even so Father, for so it seemed good to Your sight."
That little girl was really something :0)
God's tender mercies are amazing. Enjoy the snowflakes Julie!
How amazing to hear the story of Jonah told so beautifully by the mouth of a child!
Just watched this on facebook this week! I sent is off to my grands! Out of the mouth of babes....she did a great job of telling the story. Jesus loves the little children!
I love the drama she puts into the story! It makes it even more real coming from a little girl! Amazing memory!
That little girl did a great job..I smiled all the way through her story of Jonah. Very expressive!
I loved watching her tell the story. Imagine what a storyteller she will be when she grows up! I too sent it off for the grankids to see.
How precious! I will have to share this with my grandchildren.
An amazing story, and we too can trust like that. Praying for you as you put your palm into God's big hands.
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