I was in the middle of Easter baking, my yeast proofing, ingredients ready to mix when the phone rang.
It was my granddaughter - but her voice had an unmistakable undercurrent of urgency or fear.
"Nanna, we were in the house when sudenly there was a rumbling and the house shook and then there sounds like ... 'ooooooohhhhhhwwww' We were sooo scared we ran outside but we could still hear the sounds.. Now we are too scared to go back inside and we are kinda hiding outside. Can you come?"
They knew Nanna would come. Short of death, they knew nothing would keep me from answering their call.
Being without a car, I threw on a jacket, grabbed my house keys and hurried the ten minute walking distance between our houses.
I found them waiting for me. When they saw me, they ran to meet me.
The door had been left wide open and I went inside, the girls tentatively following at a safe distance. I first checked the kitchen for appliances left on or making noises. Nothing. The girls were sure the noises had come from downstairs.
I immediately turned to descend the stairs encouraged by admiring voices.. "Nanna, you are sooo brave!"
Yes, of course!
I looked all around downstairs... checked closets and storage rooms... nothing - all was still.
Seeing that I seemed to be in no immediate danger, the girls followed me into the back room.
Suddenly they gasped as they looked at their father's computer screen . The realization dawned on what had happened. The computer had been left on some kind of standby and had suddenly without warning -- with the volume on high -- blasted out a youtube of scary sound effects.
Visible relief washed over the girls, they giggled with released nervous tension and I was hugged and profusely thanked for coming to rescue them even though it had turned out to be nothing to be afraid of.
As I walked back home, I thought about their confidence and faith in me. They KNEW I would come, they only had to ask.
We just celebrated Easter, remembering that Jesus came in answer to man's cry for help.
Even death could not stop Him. He conquered it and saved us !
Now with what confidence can we call upon Him and know our every need will be met.
His words "Fear not!" allow us to tread upon the enemy and go where others tremble.
He has gone before us... we can follow Him, secure in knowing He is our trustworthy guide.
"So we may boldly say, ' The Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Heb. 13:8
Your granddaughters know where to turn when they face fear. Thanks for the reminder that we too can face fear with God as our helper.
What a timely post, Julie. Hebrews 13:8... Say it boldly as you go into your week.
Love this story Julie. Beautiful to know God is our helper and will come, too.
Isn't it neat how life experiences like this help us understand our heavenly Father better? How much He loves us and wants to be there for us when we call on Him for help. May you know His strength and comfort in these next days and come out seeing that there was nothing to be afraid of.
I can just see you rushing over to help your dear granddaughters. I'm so glad all was well.....such a good story. God is our helper!
I love how brave you were for them too. It is amazing what we would be willing to do for our grands.
This is a beautiful illustration of God being our helper and strength.
May you sense right now God's strong right hand at your side.
Lovely story to tell for years Julie!
oh you are a good and brave Nana Julie.....and it is with that confidence that we need to run to Jesus.....
I loved your story....:)
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