Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Word of God Came

The phrase "the word of the Lord came to...."  is repeated one hundred and four times in our bible.
And all 104 references  are in the Old Testament.

One of these scripture verses leapt off the page one morning as I sat with my open bible.
Sometimes it is the obvious that escapes our attention until that moment when our 'eyes are opened' to suddenly see it !
I never considered how these OT words "and the word of the Lord came"   were prophetic flashes hinting of and foretelling the coming of  Jesus.

In the Old Testament "the word of the Lord came to..." always preceded some message of God spoken to one of His prophets.  It came unexpected and only at certain times and only to chosen individual people.  But the day was coming, and has come, where "the Word of God came'  in Jesus Christ, to the whole world. (John 3:16)
And it came in a Person.  "..which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled!"  (I John 1:2)  Such was the testimony of the disciples who lived with Jesus.   Jesus, God with human skin on , was someone physical like us, someone who came to walk among us and dwell with us.  No longer the Word of God that came to one person who became the messenger to deliver the word to others ,  but God Himself speaking so ALL the world could hear for themselves.
  "God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son....   the Word (who) became flesh and dwelt among us! "    John 1:14, Heb. 1:1,2

 "The word of the Lord came to .. "  is first recorded in Gen. 15 where we find "the word of the Lord came to Abram".   It is interesting that the first occurrence would involve Abraham, the father of faith.  The father of all those who would receive the Word made flesh.

I love a verse that defines God, Is, 52:6, as the "God who speaks!"

Take a few moments today and reflect with joy and gratitude that we do not need to seek for the word of God today,  we have the Spirit of God within us,  we hear His voice guiding, directing our steps. All because, the Word was made flesh --  in Jesus, our God, our Shepherd, our Friend.
"Therefore My people shall know My name. (Jesus) Therefore they shall know in that day that I am He who speaks, Behold it is I !" 

Are those not thrilling words?    That we can KNOW the name of God, and hear His voice?  


ellen b. said...

It is amazing that the word of the Lord has come to us!!

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Julie! It has been so lovely to hear from you lately. Thank you for your comments. Yes, it's beginning to feel like home here.

Kathy said...

I always learn new things from the word when I come here. We have all we need in Him.

Judy said...

Yes...those are thrilling words! Like Kathy said, there is always something new to be learned when we come here.

Anneliese said...

It is a true miracle that we have the Word in Jesus . . . a concept I still find mysterious and hard to understand how a Being can be a word . . . God's message of love to us who believe.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

IN the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. Everything God created He did with a Word. Then He tells us to use Words too...say to the mountain to be removed.

I laughed at Pastor Chuck Norris (a parody twitter site): Pastor Chuck Norris said he doesn't shovel snow from his sidewalks, he rebukes the snow and the sidewalks stay cleared.
A friend later told me her husband actually does that too...and they live in a VERY snowy place. They get just inches while neighbors get feet of snow. Hmmm...will we move mountains with a Word if we can't move a few inches of snow?