Monday, March 31, 2014

Three Dreams

One night last week I had a dream.
I dreamed that I was in a crowd of people and they were all moving and acting as if in some kind of trance or robotic state.  I remember looking at a few people standing to my right and they all lifted their arms in the air at the same time for no apparent logical reason.
Then I awoke , not remembering the dream in details the way I usually remember dreams.  What was strong on me and remained was the intense feeling of what it was like to act according to a controlling power.
I thought the dream a little strange and even though it impacted me, I did not think it was a dream from the Lord.
Then ..
The next night I dreamed the same dream with the same emotion heavy upon me upon waking in the morning.
Having the same dream twice was unusual so I prayed  asking the Lord to show me what it meant if there was something I was supposed to learn from the dream.
Then the third night I dreamed the dream again,  except this time, in the dream, I asked what the dream meant.
I was given ... "There is no power"
Somewhat puzzled I asked, "Then what is the moral of the dream?"
I was given ... "While there is no power forcing people to do what they do,  if they believe there is a power then it is the same as if there was."
I will not forget the feeling of that 'power' that permeated my dream. I felt the convincing control it had over people, so convincing that the people did not question it, in fact, seemed unaware of it.
When I awoke from the third dream I understood the meaning of it.

People have forgotten the God-given authority  of free will that every man has. That free will trumps any other power that would control us. Yet people so often submit to whatever promises them an easy way out or they give in/give up believing that what is confronting them is too big for them to overcome.
Often, believing there is a 'power' preventing them from attaining what they need or desire leads to despondency or depression.  Doesn't God's Word say, "Resist the devil and he will FLEE from you!"? James 4:7

How often do we , even as believers, give in the feeling/belief that we do not have the courage or strength or ability to stand against every lie or deception of the enemy.
Yet Ps. 53:5 says ... "There they were in great fear where no fear was...."  Why?? because God had destroyed the enemy but they did not yet believe that the enemy was rendered powerless.
Do we really believe Jesus' words ... "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed !" ? John 8:36
Would Jesus tell us something that isn't true ?
If we really believed that would we even fear being controlled by any other power ?
Freedom!  How sweet is the sound of that word, and freedom is what Jesus promised that His children have!
We are free -- free to make the choices we know are the right ones, free to pray and believe God will intervene in the situations/needs we bring before Him,  free to think God's thoughts,  free to walk in thankfulness , free to make a difference in the world we touch.

The only thing that can defeat us is believing that there is a power preventing us from attaining all that God has promised and desires to bring into our life.


Judy said...

So much to think about here, Julie. Every day we have the freedom (and the power) to make the right choices. And yes...freedom is a sweet word!

Sandy said...

Julie, I wish I lived closer to you so I could come and meet you....The distance between NC and BC is great, but in the Lord's time and space, we are close...I love the insight that the Lord gives you...Your post today is so encouraging to me for what is going on in my life right now...
Thank you as always for timely words.
Love from NC

Julie said...

Sandy, I would love to meet you too. I love how you said 'in the Lord's time and space we are close'. That is so true. Thank you for your comment, it encouraged me today!

Angie said...

Hi Sandy,

Last night I prayed to the Lord that He would help me overcome an addiction in my life. After reading this blog entry, I believe He answered me through you. Giving me new insight to the excuses I make to continually fail.
I've been waiting for an aha moment to truly help me to change and I hope and pray this is it.

Thank you 1

Angie said...

1 Corinthians 10:13
For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.

Julie said...

Angie, my husband and I just prayed for you that God would strengthen you and help you to overcome your addiction. May you walk in victory!
Thank you for leaving your comments and I Cor. 10:13 is a great verse! !