Saturday, May 26, 2018

O God of Detail - We Praise You !

Here are a few photos of some of patio pot flowers.  

 The above is the center detail of one of my petunias  - a detail you would never notice unless it was magnified.

Above a photo of a dead stump in my back yard.  A couple of years ago I planted a little starter plant in it, and I thought it was dead - dried out from summer lack of water, frozen in the dead of winter.
 Last year it wasn't there at all ... and this year to my surprise it is growing profusely !! 
Such happy little faces ... I can almost hear them say ... "SURPRISE !!!!!"    

 I have been so enjoying my flowers  - each so uniquely designed and coloured - which to me speaks of the kind of God we serve ! 

God is a God of incredible detail ....                                                                                             
  I am amazed ....  

At the infinite detail and variety of flowers that bloom so profusely, that come miraculously from a lifeless nondescript brown speck of  seed 
Matt. 6:30 , Luke 12:27 
That not only did God create countless billions of stars - out of nothing-  , but He named and knows the name of every one. 
Psalm 147:4, Isaiah 40:26
That God created the birds of the air, dressed each one in a designer coat of feathers, and knows and cares when each one dies ... 
Matt. 10:29 
That God, out of a thought, created the snowflakes, that fall in countless number , but not two of them have the same intricate design .. 
Job 37:5,6
That God counts the hair on each of our heads .... does it really matter or make a difference to anything? 
Matt. 10:30 

If God shows Himself to be such a God of detail to do all of the above,  then how much more does God care about the smallest detail of who you or I are .. ... 
There is not a detail about us, -individually -  that God is not aware of , and not just aware of  but also deeply cares about ....  Isn't it almost overwhelming to think about?  
The God that created the universe, the God that has the power to do anything He wills, cares about and understands you and me, and not just in a passive way ... NO !
Rather He cares in a very interactive and involved kind of way ...-  
Just to keep track of the constant changing number of our hair means He is constantly watching over us ...  
and if He does that , would a God of Love not so much more care about the things that are important to us, small as they may be ?    

          "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us
 that we should be called children of God !" 
I John 3:1

"Dear Holy and Great God, 
you who are also our loving Father, how we bow before you today in wonder.  
You are bigger than we could ever comprehend, and yet we acknowledge that you call us each by name.. 
You know and lovingly care about every detail of who we are and what is important to us, 
and even what is not. 
You who have numbered our days, and planned our life path, 
We offer to you today the one thing that we have of value to give you ... our TRUST, our FAITH in you ... 
We believe your words, your promises and we desire to follow you in everything we are and do . 
There is nothing else, no one else, we can trust in. 
I thank you for each reader this morning, I thank you for who you created them to be
 - unique and special. 
I pray that today they will be overwhelmed anew as they see around them the wonder of who you are. 
May their trust in you grow, and their hearts expand with praise and thanksgiving to you. 
I pray in Jesus' Holy name, amen."


Come Away With Me said...

Dear Julie, what a beautiful post and prayer! Like you, I too am often overcome with gratitude, wonder,and joy at all the beauty and care with which God surrounds us. You share it so well here, and I appreciate your thoughtful words. It's been a very long time since I commented here, but I know you will remember me! I'm glad you are still there . . . Sara

Julie said...

Sara! I'm so happy to see you here ... thank you for your kind words.. and yes..of course I remember you... blessings to you ! and hugs

Rosella said...

Amen to this beautiful post and prayer Julie! Our God is a wondrous and amazing God!

Julie said...

Thank you, Rosella ... the Lord bless you.

Elaine said...

You write so beautifully and my heart says, "yes" to your words from your heart to mine.

Julie said...

Thank you, Elaine !! God bless!

Sandy said...

Back home and recovering....Your post is beautiful with
the beauty of flowers and soothing to the soul with your
As always and amazing...
Love you dear friend.
Love from NC