HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you and yours!!
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
I want to wish you and yours the most blessed Christmas! and a New Year filled with the goodness of Jesus !!
I was separating the foliage, when I saw a large, wine coloured lump. As I lifted it out I realized it was a beautiful rose! I was surprised, as it did not at all fit the colours and style of the bouquet. . And I don't know how it happened - maybe its stem was shorter than the rest of the flowers/foliage stems but the rose was perfectly dried - its beauty preserved.
As I held the rose, I knew it was the key to a devotional ! Immediately I thought of the Rose of Sharon from Song of Solomon 2:1 where it reads, "I am the Rose of Sharon...." The Song of Solomon has historically been interpreted as an allegory of Jesus and His love for the church. So the words , "I am the Rose of Sharon" are attributed to Him.
The first thought that came to me was that to many, Jesus is 'hidden'. He is there, but they don't see Him. Then one day, their eyes are opened and they find Him. It does not matter if they find Him sooner or later - He is waiting with all His love and beauty.
The beautiful Rose of Sharon grows in dry and hostile environments. I thought about how Jesus came into a sinful, dark world that contrasted in every way from the glory from which He stepped down.
Without 'light' everything is in shades of grey because colour is not in an object - it is in the light. Without Jesus in our life, everything is dull and grey but with Jesus we live in His Light and we see beauty all around.
Just like the dried rose is preserved - it does not wilt, so Jesus is the same - yesterday, today and forever ! What hope, what great promise we have when we put our faith and trust in Him!
Monday, November 4, 2024
God in the DEtails
It is November, how quickly this year has gone! I invite you to take a good 'dose' of the medicine depicted in the image below. Do you know that a dose of 'gratitude' will prevent grumbling, anxiety, stress, fear, discouragement? Are you feeling the symptoms of any of those conditions? Gratitude, take a spoonful ... its a natural supplement!
A Man we have not Met
Monday, October 21, 2024
Rehoboam - A Man, A King
This is the part of the story I find intriguing. Rehoboam rejected the advice of the elders and followed the advice of his peers - young men who had not yet lived long enough to gain any wisdom. Wrong choice, right?
God used Rehoboam, even his sin and rebellion, to bring about His purposes.
If we want to go our own way instead of following God's way, we bring upon ourselves the 'evil' that is the result and consequences of choosing contrary to God.
We find it easy to make sweeping judgements against Bible characters because we are just given the bare bones about them and we judge from our perspective. We forgot that maybe we are looking in a mirror that puts the finger on failures in our own lives.
When we look at Bible characters, we can see how human nature is the same in all of us. We all fail, none of us are perfect. But what God looks at is not if we fall, but if we repent and get back up. I love the Proverbs 24:16 verse that defines the difference between the godly and the ungodly. "For the righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity." - meaning the righteous man falls and gets up again, the wicked man falls and stays down!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Good and Evil
Even personal lives are shaped by our choice to either follow God or live in rebellion to him. We have the well known story of Abigail and Ahab. Ahab was a wicked man who cared only for his own desires and reaped the consequences. Abigail chose God and was blessed. When her husband died she became King David's wife.
Timothy Eaton who founded the department store was a strong Christian and he build his store on godly principles. One thing he did was decree that tobacco would never be sold in his stores. He put it 'iron-clad' into the original bylaws of how the business would be run. The business grew and prospered. It was the only department store that operated consistently in the black. I looked forward every year to getting the signed Christmas card from Timothy Eaton's daughter - the mother of the Eaton boys that inherited the store on their father's death.
Actually it wasn't possible. Timothy Eaton's order was held up in court and in a few days the tobacco disappeared. Other things began to change as well. The 'customer was NOT always right', and the employees were no longer treated as well.
And for the first time the department store began to slip into the red financially. The Eaton boys tried to keep it going, making more and more changes but the farther they moved from their grandfather's godly ideals, the worse things got , until , as we remember, the stores had to close their doors.
So sad that the Eaton's boys chose against God instead of following the example their grandfather and father set before them.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Little Things
. I want to express this thought on your heart today. YOU are important to someone simply because you are alive!!! Just by being who you are, you make a difference in someone's life - whether you are aware of it or not !! EVERY .... SINGLE....ONE...OF... YOU ! And of course, it goes without saying that you are important to God - If you weren't He would not have 'created you' !!
Monday, September 2, 2024
Judgment Day
I was in 7th grade probably toward the end of the school year.
Abigail - became the wife of King David -- she did nothing more than cover for a wicked husband.
Friday, August 16, 2024
That Which is Not as Though It be!
We found blinds we were happy with at Home Depot and placed the order. We were told because they were custom blinds the waiting time would be 6-8 weeks, no rush orders. Okay, if that's the way it was, we would just 'wait'.
High Jump Champion Gianmaro
It's like someone who invests every dollar they have into what is presented to them as 'a sure thing' and then they find out it is a Ponzi scheme and they lose every dollar.. There is no recourse, no re-do, no way to regain what they have lost, or even redeem the time that they spent on their pursuit.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
A Mango Seed
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Children and Ants
I never know where my inspiration will come from for my devotionals, but somehow they always 'pop up' somewhere!!
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Deception can Look Good !
Monday, April 1, 2024
Please watch! If you have already watched this short video, I know you will enjoy seeing it again. It so pointedly addresses the fallacy of modern thinking, 'my truth, your truth'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
What is the secret to solving man's problems - to end violence and evil? In uncovering the problem it was easy for him to come up with the solution. Man's problems all stem from the fact that he has been made to believe that he is a sinful creature and guilt has evidenced itself in all kinds of pain, chaos, violence and suffering. .
In Acts 16:17 we have the story of the demon possessed girl that followed and annoyed Paul and Silas. She called out .. "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation." Even the demons must tell the truth when they are where the Lord and His followers are.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Our old history ends with the Cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.
Watchman Nee
The New Testament writers speak as if Christ's achievement in rising from the dead was the first event of its kind in the whole history of the universe. He is the 'first fruits,' the pioneer of life,' He has forced open a door that has been locked since the death of the first man. He has met, fought, and beaten the King of Death. Everything is different because He has done so.
C.S. Lewis
I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren't true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks. You're telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.
Charles Colson
Barabbas ... we all know the details of his part in the crucifiction story, but he is quickly passed over with little further thought given him. I have been thinking about him and would like to take a bit of literary license with his story. I think I have some credibility in doing so because in James 5:7 we are told that Elijah was , "of like nature or passions" as us. That means that given the same circumstances we respond with our emotions and actions with predictability, because we are all of the same flesh - 'human'.
So taking the scant details we are given about Barabbas in Matt. 27:15-26, Mark 15:6-15, Luke 23:18-24, John 18:40 I put myself in his place to try to flesh him out as a fellow human being.
"My name is Barabbas.
I was well-known , but infamous rather than famous. I was an angry, violent man who charted my own way of dealing with life. I hated the Romans, hated them with a passion. I hated their arrogance and their domination over us Jews. What right did they have.... NONE as far as I was concerned.
I lived by my own standard of right and wrong. If I needed something, I took it, not caring from whom. So I was known as a 'robber' by my own people.
I rebelled against authority, in particular, the Roman authority and was vocal about it, thereby gaining some support from men who thought like me. Joining with me, they agreed to my plan. We cared little about our own well-being, just wanting to inflict some pain on the Romans, and find a way to vent our churning anger.
We planned our insurrection plan, and carried it out ! It was at least partly successful, we murdered men guilty of nothing more than being Roman, but that was enough reason for us.
The part that didn't go so well was that we were caught and arrested - thrown into prison, bound with chains. I knew my life was over, crucifiction my sentence, I tried not to care! I waited for the inevitable along with the fellows chained with me.
One day, I heard the footsteps of the guard approaching our cell. The door clanged open and I fully expected my time had come. The guard bent to unchain me and then his words startled me, no = they shocked me. "You are free to go."
What? There was no mercy for me - I knew I had long ago crossed that line! So what was the guard saying? I was free? How? Why? I must be dreaming.
But, the guard roughly pushed me out of the cell and turned back to relock the cell door. He didn't even look at me. Really? I was free to go? I didn't believe it until I found myself outside, breathing fresh air!
I stopped the first person I met and asked what was going on. Why would I have been released from a Roman prison? Demanding answers I finally found someone who could answer my questions. A man named Jesus was on trial, and Pilot , trying to play his cards in Jesus' favor, used the tradition of setting a prisoner free that day. He offered the people a choice, Jesus or me ! Well, even I knew that I should have been the last criminal to be offered freedom. But me instead of Jesus? I had heard of him, people spoke of him as a great prophet, some even suggesting he was the long-expected messiah ... and now they wanted him dead so badly they were willing to have me freed? me? a robber, murderer, rebellious rabble-rouser? How was that possible? Had the people gone mad?
My feelings were conflicted, I hardly knew what to think ... much less what to do. I wandered aimlessly... but then hearing the crowds was curious to know what was going on. I quickly became aware that a crucifixion was about to take place -- three men. A chill shivered up and down my spine with the realization I was to have been one of those men. I recognized one of the men as Jesus, the one who was taking my place.
I stood at a distance watching the horrifying events unfold. I witnessed the suffering inflicted on the men on the crosses. My eyes were fixed on Jesus - literally my saviour! I was grateful for my undeserved, unexpected freedom but I could not justify, much less understand, the reason for it. What was I going to do for the rest of my life? "
To my regret, we are not given any details about what Barabbas did after he was set free. Did he hear of Jesus' resurrection? Did he listen to the gospel story and come to faith in Jesus?
We will have to wait for eternity to find out. But truly, Barabbas is representative of each one of us. We all stand at the cross looking at the One who took our place there. Our sin laid on Him, when He Himself had no guilt at all. I am offered freedom, only because "God so loved!!"
At this time of year, as we again focus on Jesus' sacrifice -- His death -- and His resurrection, we can be so thankful that in Him we have forgiveness and life eternal .
God asked Jesus' "Who shall I set free? You or ---------- (fill your name in the blank) ?
and Jesus answered... " Set ______________ free, I am willing to take their place!"